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Student Conduct

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View the Student Code of Conduct here


College of the Redwoods Office of Student Conduct uses Maxient for email correspondence to students. Maxient is a software for managing behavior records for multiple student processes on campus.

Correspondence will be sent to your student email. You may also receive  text alerting your that a letter is waiting. 

It is possible that emails sent on behalf of Maxient may flag as potential spam or phishing. We encourage all students to check their spam folder if they are unable to observe a letter in their inbox or if they are expecting correspondence and haven’t received it within a timely manner.

To confirm the validity of the email communication you received, you may contact the Office of Student Conduct at 707-476-4146.

Contents of the Letter

The initial letter you receive will depend on the nature of the concern reported to the Office of Student Conduct. There may be alleged violations of the Student Conduct Code, which are issued in response to an incident that has occurred. These allegations represent the College’s concerns based only on the information provided to our office. Students have not been found responsible and will have an opportunity to respond to the allegations during an initial meeting with their assigned conduct officer.

A student may also receive an initial letter where they are asked to meet with Conduct Officer or designee, as they may have additional information to provide about the concern provided to the College. 

Scheduling a Meeting

To schedule your requested meeting with the Conduct Officer, call the Office of Student Conduct at 707-476-4146, 9:00am - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday.

For those who do not attend their meetings and/or fail to schedule an appointment, a hold will be placed on their student account. This will prevent students from adding/dropping courses or have the ability to pull a transcript. This hold will not be removed until the student has met with their assigned hearing officer to move forward with a case resolution.

More Information

An overview of the College's  disciplinary process is available in Section 5 of the District's Administrative Procedures (AP 5500), along with our Disciplinary Process Flowchart.

For questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Student Conduct at or 707-476-4146